Monday, July 1, 2013

"Those who desire to travel always find a way."

We all run into amazing people throughout my life, for me, some of the most amazing people I have met have been complete strangers. 

A few weeks before I was due to board my flight to Heathrow, I was shopping in BestBuy for a converter. I had no idea what I was looking for, and the articles online only confused me more.
I tried asking an employee, but all he did was point me in the right direction.

So there I was standing in front of the many converters when a woman who was about 35 years old stood next to me. She asked me where it was I was traveling to, and of course I was eager to share that I was going to Europe.
The woman asked me a few other questions about my trip and after I responded she told me that my energy and passion for traveling reminded me of herself.
I was honored.
I asked for her advice on the converter and she pointed directly to the one I needed.
This lady had been all over the world and was only in Alabama to visit her sister before she went on her next journey.
I made the statement, "Traveling is so expensive, though."

She told me, "Those who desire to travel always find a way."

She said, "I have something for you," and began to dig through a purse with a million pockets. After a few minutes she pulled out a wallet. This woman handed me 80 British pounds. She said that she had just come from England and was not returning any time soon. When I tried to not accept her money, she told me to remember it one day and pass it on.

And I will.

Unlock YOUR World

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